Terms And Conditions

Effective Date: March 25, 2023

  1. The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to set forth the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the parties using the e-commerce-related services and other services collectively, the "Services") provided by Expert Solutions Limited ("Executor") through the "KoreanAce Shop" - customized Internet open market site www.koreanace.shop/ ("Website") operated by the Executor.

  2. The mobile version of the Website may not contain the same functionality available on the desktop version of the Website.

  3. The Website provides the Consumer access and use of the Website subject to the Consumer’s compliance with these Terms and Conditions and all related policies and terms (collectively, the "Offer"). The Offer includes, but are not limited to the Executor’s Privacy Policy. Special terms applicable to particular Goods and/or Services might be indicated in the relevant part of the Website.

  4. By using and accessing the Website the Consumer agrees to be bound by the Offer and all applicable law. The Consumer explicitly consented in writing to the Offer when he/she first sets up an account on the Website, and/or confirmed his/her consent each time he/she uses the Website. If the Consumer does not have the authority to agree to or accept the Offer, he/she may not use or access the Website.


    1. Website means a service of order and delivery posted on the Internet at www.koreanace.shop/, which provides the Consumer with the opportunity to place an Order for Goods and Delivery under the conditions provided in the Offer.

    2. Offer means the present document "Terms and Conditions" and "Privacy Policy" posted on the Website at: www.koreanace.shop/terms-and-conditions and www.koreanace.shop/privacypolicy.

    3. Offer Acceptance - acceptance of the Offer by the Consumer to use the Website.

    4. Goods means products and services, the sale and delivery of which for the Consumer is carried out by the Supplier by placing the Order on the Website by the Consumer.

    5. Order means an order of the Goods and Delivery executed by the Consumer on the Website, as a result of which the Consumer concludes an agreement on sale of the Goods and/or Delivery with the Supplier.

    6. Deliverymeans a delivery service for the Goods, the order of which the Consumer has placed on the Website, to the Consumer.

    7. Supplier " means the BNC Global Co., Ltd. engaged in activities in the field of production or supply of Goods, selling Goods to the Consumers through the Website.

    8. Executor means the Expert Solutions Limited participating in the selling of the Supplier’s Goods to the Consumers of the Website when they place the Order.

    9. Consumer means an individual of 16 full years old or older, or legal entity that has provided personal information to register with the Website as a member to purchase Goods and Delivery, that entitled to use the Website provided by the Executor.

    10. ID means a combination of letters and numbers chosen by the Consumer, approved by and registered with the Executor, for purposes of identification and use of the Website.

    11. Password means a combination of letters and numbers chosen and registered with the Executor by the Consumer, to verify the his/her identity and protect his/her rights, interests and confidential information.

    12. Personal Information means information that relates to living individuals and which can be used to identify specific individuals by name or other description (including that which can be easily combined with other information and thereby used to identify specific individuals).

    13. Promo code means a certain sequence of characters, subject to activation of which and other conditions for the use of the Promo code are met, the Consumer is given a discount on the cost of the Goods and/or Delivery.

    14. Discount means a discount for Goods and/or Services that the Supplier sells through the Website of the Executor after agreeing with the Executor on a discounted price that is within the service fees. The Executor will list the discounted price of applicable Goods and/or Services on the relevant webpage serviced by the Executor.

    15. Recipient means an individual/legal entity indicated during the placing of the Order, as the addressee of the Goods. The Recipient of the Goods may be the Consumer or a third party specified by him/her during the placing of the Order.

    16. Customer Center means a team formed and operated by the Executor for the reasonable and smooth mediation of disputes in exceptional cases only, whereas, as a general rule, any dispute arising from a transaction through the Executor should be resolved by the Supplier and the Consumer themselves.


    1. The Executor will disclose the Offer on the initial landing page or connecting page of the Website to help the Consumer to verify the Offer, together with the following information on the Executor and the Supplier: legal name, place of business and contact numbers (email address).

    2. The Executor may amend the Offer to the extent permitted by the corresponding regulation and any other applicable laws.

    3. The Executor will alert Consumer of any additions, deletions or revisions of the Offer by disclosing them on this Website, at least 7 (Seven) days prior to the date of change (as an exception, at least 20 (Twenty) days prior to the date of change, in case of material disadvantageous change in Consumer right), and will notify Consumer by email or text before the change becomes effective. Unless Consumer objects, the new Offer will apply to Consumer prospectively commencing from the specified effective date. Amended Offer shall not be applied retroactively before the effective date thereof.


    1. The price shall be the fixed price quoted on the seller’s confirmation of web shop. The price is exclusive delivery cost. The Delivery cost is quoted separately.

      1. services relating to the development and operation of Website (placement of materials, sales related support, Order execution related services and other e-commerce related services);

      2. services for the execution of advertisement and promotion.

      3. The purposes of the above Services provided by the Executor are to allow Supplier and Consumer use of Website, and to intermediate mail-order sales, in relation to their transactions of Goods and Services. The Executor shall not take any responsibility in relation to any Goods registered with KoreanAce Shop by the Supplier.


    1. As a mail-order intermediary, the Executor will be only responsible for the operation and management of a system for the efficiency of the Website and will not act as an agent of either the Supplier or the Consumer. The Consumer and the Supplier concerned shall take the sole direct responsibility for any transaction(s) entered into between them and information provided and registered by them.


    1. In relation to the transactions between Supplier and Consumer through the Website provided by the Executor, the Executor will not guarantee the existence and genuineness of the intent to sell or buy, the quality, completeness, safety, and legality of the registered Goods, non-infringement of third party rights, or the truthfulness or legality of the information entered by any Supplier or Consumer, or data posted on the URL linked to the information entered by any Supplier or Consumer. The Supplier and the Consumer concerned shall solely take any and all risks and responsibilities relating thereto, unless the Executor shall be held liable in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.


    1. The Website User Agreement (the "User Agreement") shall be formed upon the Executor’s acceptance of an application for the use of Website, from a person who intends to use the Website provided by the Executor. The Executor will notify its intent to accept the application by disclosure of such intent on the relevant webpage for the Website or by email or otherwise.

    2. A person who intends to use the Website shall agree to the Offer and enter necessary information in the form application for membership as provided by the Executor.

    3. A person of 16 full years old or older, or legal entity is eligible to the membership to the Website. An applicant shall apply for the membership in his/her real name. If anyone applies for the membership with a name other than his/her real name or by misappropriating another’s information, such applicant may be restricted from using the Website or penalized pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.

    4. Applications will be handled on the first-come-first-served basis, and admission to the membership will become effective at the time when the acceptance by the Executor is received by the Consumer.

    5. The Executor may withhold or refuse its acceptance of an application in any of the following cases:

      1. if it is found that the application is not made in real name;

      2. if the name in the application are the same as those of an existing Customer;

      3. if reapplied within 2 (Two) months from the Executor’s termination of the User Agreement;

      4. if reapplied by the Consumer that is subject to the membership suspension or other action by the Executor, during the suspension or other applicable period;

      5. if the facilities/equipment cannot afford or if there is technical difficulty; and

      6. if the application is found to be unlawful, unfair or in violation of the Offer, or if it is deemed necessary to do so in Executor’s reasonable judgment.


    1. The Consumer may not provide false information when applying for the membership, and in the event of any change in the information provided when applying for the membership, the Consumer must immediately update the information. As a general rule, a Customer’s name and ID may not be changed, unless permitted by applicable laws and regulations.

    2. Notification to the Consumer by the Executor shall be considered complete when the notice is delivered to the address or e-mail address provided by Consumer. Any damages arising out of the failure to update information must be borne solely by the relevant Consumer, and the Executor shall not be held liable for any such damages.

    3. The Executor will not use any information provided by the Consumer for the execution of a User Agreement, for any purpose other than its operation of the Website as consented to by the Consumer. If a new purpose of use arises or for the disclosure of the information to a third party, the Company shall notify the purpose(s) of use or disclosure of the Consumer’s information (as the case may be) and obtain separate consent from the Consumer in the phase of the use or disclosure of the Consumer’s information; provided, however, this shall not be the case if prescribed otherwise by applicable laws and regulations.

    4. To protect Consumer’s personal information, in the event the Executor needs to provide the Consumer’s personal information to a third party, the Executor shall obtain consent from the Consumer by disclosing to the Consumer the items of personal information to be provided, the name of the third party, the purpose of the use of the personal information by the third party. In the event the Executor outsources the processing of the Consumer’s personal information to a third party, it shall establish a privacy policy in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, designate a privacy officer of the Executor, and disclose and operate the privacy policy.


    1. Each Consumer shall be responsible for the confidentiality over his/her ID and Password, and may in no event assign or lend any of them to a third party.

      Each Consumer and each user of the Website shall take the responsibility for any and all damages and losses arising out of the leak, assignment or lending of a ID or Password, that occurs due to a cause that is not attributable to the Executor.

      If a Consumer becomes aware of the theft, or unauthorized use by a third party, of his/her ID or Password, the Consumer shall immediately notify the Executor thereof and the Executor shall exert its best efforts to handle the situation promptly.


    1. Termination by the Consumer:

      1. The Consumer may terminate the User Agreement at any time by notifying the Executor of the Consumer’s intent to terminate it through the applicable Website webpage; provided that the Consumer has taken necessary actions to consummate any and all transactions at least 7 (Seven) days prior to the date of the termination notice.

      2. The Consumer shall be solely responsible for any consequences arising out of a termination notice sent within the said period, and upon termination of the User Agreement, the Executor may withdraw all benefits additionally granted to the Consumer by the Executor.

      3. If the Consumer who has terminated the User Agreement intends to use the Website later again, the Consumer’s use of the Website will not be permitted unless the Consumer notifies the Executor of his/her new intent to use the Website and the Executor accepts the offer.

    2. Termination by the Executor:

      1. The Executor may terminate the User Agreement in the event of occurrence or finding of the following:

        1. if the Consumer infringes upon or causes damage to rights, reputation, credit or any other legitimate interest of the Executor or the Supplier, or a third party, or violates any laws and regulations or public order and good morals;

        2. if a Consumer engages in, or tries to engage in any acts which impede the proper processing of the Website provided by the Executor;

        3. circumstances in which the Executor finds it necessary, in its reasonable judgment, to refuse the provision of access to the Website;

        4. if it is found that there is a reason for refusal pursuant to Section 6.5 hereof; or

        5. if a Consumer otherwise engages in any acts in breach of the Offer or in the event of occurrence of any reasons for termination prescribed by the Offer.

      2. If the Executor terminates the User Agreement with a Consumer, the Executor will notify Consumer of its intent of termination by disclosing the reason(s) for termination by e-mail, by phone or otherwise. The User Agreement shall be terminated at the time when the Executor notifies the Consumer of its intent of termination.

      3. Even if the Executor terminates the User Agreement, the Offer shall continue to apply with respect to the consummation of a sale and purchase contract entered into on or before the termination.

      4. When the User Agreement is terminated by the Executor, it may withdraw all benefits additionally granted to the Consumer by the Executor.

      5. If the User Agreement is terminated by the Executor, it may refuse to accept the Consumer’s re-application.


    1. The term of the provision of the Website services will begin from the date on which use of the Website services are applied for, and ends on the date of termination of the User Agreement.

    2. The Executor may suspend its provision of the Website services temporarily upon the occurrence of a justifiable event, including without limitation, the maintenance, repair, examination, replacement of information and communications facilities (such as computers), or if such facilities are out of order; provided that the fact and reasons for temporary suspension of the Website services shall be notified on the initial landing page of the Website.

    3. The Executor may restrict or temporarily suspend its provision of the Website services if it is unable to provide the Website services due to an act of God or a force majeure event equivalent thereto.


    1. The Executor may provide various services needed for the freedom of e-commerce between the Supplier and the Consumer and charge certain fees therefor (i.e., Website usage fees) pursuant to its internal policies.


    1. Nothing in the Offer or elsewhere on this Website constitutes an offer to sell or supply Goods and/or Services. Consumer’s order of Goods and/or Services constitutes an offer to purchase them. The Order confirmation by the Executor confirms the receipt of Consumer’s Order, but does not constitute an acceptance of it.

    2. The Executor and the Supplier will provide methods for payment of the purchase by plastic card or by other means.

    3. The Consumer will enter information relating to the payment of the purchase at his/her own responsibility, and shall solely take any and all liabilities and disadvantages arising out of the information entered by the Consumer in relation to the payment of the purchase.

    4. The Executor may cancel a transaction without the consent of any Consumer, if the purchase is not paid within a certain time period after the Order is placed.

    5. The Executor will take measures to allow the Consumer to check the contents of the executed Order on the Consumer's account webpage, and will provide guidance on how to cancel the Order and the relevant procedures.

    6. The Supplier will take measures necessary for supply of the ordered Goods and/or Services within 10 (Ten) ~ 15 (Fifteen) business days after payment confirmation. If the Supplier becomes aware that it is difficult to supply the ordered Goods and/or Services, then it will notify its reason to the Executor and the Consumer without delay, and the Executor or the Supplier will take measures necessary for refund within 3 (Three) business days after Consumer’s payment confirmation, if he/she has already made payment. The Executor and the Supplier shall be under no liability for any delay or failure to Deliver Goods ordered via this Website if the delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control and without its willful misconduct or gross negligence.

    7. The Executor and/or the Supplier may check whether the Consumer is lawfully entitled to use the payment means used when paying of the purchase. The Executor and/or the Supplier may suspend the transaction until the completion of confirmation of the Consumer’s right to such use, or cancel the transaction if it is impossible to obtain such confirmation.

    8. . The amount actually paid by the Consumer shall be an amount (actual purchase) remaining after applying to the original price (set by the Supplier), any basic usage fees, promo codes, discount applicable to the particular Goods, Delivery fees, details of an option (in the case of an option Goods) and so on. The proof of purchase (i.e. cash payment receipts, tax invoices, plastic card slips, etc.) will be issued upon Consumer’s request to show the amount of the actual purchase.


    1. The Supplier will provide services to provide assistance in the process of Delivery of Goods through delivery networks that are in the business partnership with the Supplier. As a general rule, the Goods are not delivered to within the Republic of Korea and to the GCC countries (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, State of Kuwait).

    2. The Delivery period of the Goods shall begin from the date following the date on which receipt or settlement of payment is confirmed and end on the date of completion of Delivery. As a general rule, the completion of delivery is the date of arrival of the Goods to customs office of the country of import.

    3. The Executor will guide the Supplier to take measures necessary for Delivery within 10 (Ten) ~ 15 (Fifteen) business days from the Supplier's receipt of the Executor's notice to confirm the receipt of or settlement of payment by the Consumer.

    4. Days during which Delivery of Goods is impracticable due to a force majeure event or otherwise shall not be counted as part of a Delivery period.

    5. As a general rule, any dispute arising among the Supplier, the Consumer, a delivery service provider, a financial institution, etc. in relation to the delivery, shall be resolved by the relevant parties, and the Executor shall in no way take any responsibility.

    6. The Supplier must at its own risk and expense carry out all export clearance formalities required by the country of export, such as licenses or permits; security clearance for export; pre-shipment inspection; and any other authorizations or approvals.

    7. The Customer must carry out and pay for all formalities required by the country of import. These include licenses and permits required for import; import clearance; security clearance for transit and import; pre-shipment inspection; and any other official authorizations and approvals.


    1. The Consumer may cancel an Order of purchase at any time prior to the shipping of the purchased Goods, and if cancellation is requested during the Delivery, it will be handled pursuant to the procedures for return of purchased Goods.

    2. If an application for cancellation is received after a Consumer’s completion of payment and while shipping is arranged or pending shipping, the cancellation of the Order will be immediately processed, absent special circumstances.

    3. In the case of cancellation of an Order when the purchased Goods have already been shipped at the time the cancellation application is received, as a general rule, the Consumer shall bear the fees for both Delivery and Return of the shipped Goods, and such procedures shall follow the procedures for Return of purchased Goods rather than the procedure for cancellation of purchased Goods.

    4. As for any refund following duly processed cancellation, the payment by plastic card will be cancelled immediately upon the completion of cancellation procedures.

  15. RETURN

    1. The Consumer may demand a return of the purchased Goods from the time such Goods are shipped until 7 (Seven) days after receipt of the Delivery pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.

    2. As a general rule, costs and expenses incurred for the return ("Return Costs") shall be borne by a party to which the reason for the return is attributable (e.g., in the case of simple change of Consumer’s mind, the Consumer shall bear the return costs, while in the case of a defect or inconsistencies in the ordered Goods, the Supplier shall bear the return costs).

    3. When applying for the return, if the Consumer does not set out the return order number or accurately notify (orally or in writing) the Supplier of the reason(s) for the return, the return and refund process may be delayed.

    4. As for the refund following the Return, after the returned Goods is received by the Supplier and after the reasons for the Return and who to bear the costs and expenses for the Delivery and Return Costs are confirmed, the payment by plastic card will be cancelled immediately.

    5. In case the Consumer has to bear the return costs, if the additional payment of the return costs is not made, the refund may be delayed.


    1. The Consumer may request an exchange of the purchased Goods from the time such Goods are shipped by the Supplier within 7 (Seven) days after receipt of the Delivery pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.

    2. Even if an exchange is requested, an exchange may not be possible if the Supplier has no stock for the exchange, and in such case, the request will be processed as a Return.

    3. Costs and expenses incurred for the exchange (e.g., costs for Delivery to and from the Supplier) shall be borne by the Supplier in the case of defect or inconsistencies in the ordered Goods, and shall be borne by the Consumer in the case of simple change of mind.

  17. REFUND

    1. In the case of a return or exchange due to a defect in the purchased Goods, the payment by plastic card will be cancelled immediately.

    2. As a general rule, refund of payment by plastic card can be made only by way of cancellation of such payment.


    1. In the any of the following cases, the Consumer shall not demand a Return, Exchange or Refund:

      1. if the Goods are lost, destroyed or damaged due to a cause attributable to the Consumer;

      2. if the value of the Goods have notably decreased due to use by the Consumer;

      3. if the value of the Goods have notably decreased due to the passage of time so as to make its resale difficult;

      4. if the packaging of Goods is damaged; or

      5. if the Goods are specially ordered and the Consumer consented in writing (electronic consent included) that, as such, returning the goods will likely cause irreparable damage to the Supplier and/or the Company;

      6. if the Customer did not carry out and pay for all formalities of customs clearance required by the country of import.


    1. The Executor with preliminary consent from the Supplier may issue Promo codes under which a Consumer using the Website may get discount at a certain rate or in a certain amount when the Consumer makes a purchase.

    2. The Consumer shall use Promo codes for the Consumer’s own purchase only, and shall in no event sell or transfer any of them in substance to another; provided that the Executor may allow the transfer of Promo codes on certain terms and conditions of transfer as prescribed by the Supplier, in which case the Consumer may transfer them on such terms and conditions only.

    3. Use of Promo codes may be subject to limitations depending on the Goods or price of Goods and/or Services. No Promo codes may be used after the expiry of its valid term.

    4. If the ordered Goods are returned or if the purchase is cancelled, after any Promo codes are used in relation to the underlying Order, as a general rule, a used Promo codes may be reused; provided that reuse may be impossible in certain cases prescribed by the Executor’s internal rules, such as, cancellation of an Order due to simple change of mind, etc..


    1. The Executor may take the following actions with respect to a Consumer who has violated the Offer, applicable laws and general principles of commercial transactions:

      1. withdrawal of benefits (in part or in whole) provided by the Executor additionally;

      2. restriction upon the use of certain Services;

      3. termination of a User Agreement; and

      4. bringing a claim for damages.

    2. If the Executor intends to take any action provided in the foregoing section against a Consumer, the Executor must in advance notify the Consumer thereof by phone or by email, and if inevitable (such as, if it is impossible to reach such Consumer or in an emergency situation), the Executor may notify the Consumer after taking the action.

    3. The Consumer may raise an objection to the action (to be) taken by the Executor, if the Consumer has a reason for such objection.


    1. The Executor may ascribe a certain credit rating to the Consumer, based on the amount, number and frequency of the Consumer’s purchase and other performance records and the like, and grant certain benefits depending on the respective credit ratings.

    2. The Executor may disclose any and all terms and conditions of the credit ratings ascribed to the Consumers and respective benefits granted by the Executor.


    1. The Executor has established and enforces a policy to protect the copyrights of right holders in connection with the provision of the Website Services, and the Supplier and the Consumer must comply with the copyright policy of the Executor.

    2. Copyright to various content posted on KoreanAce Shop (whether in its product review, FAQ, Q&A or otherwise) shall be vested in the Supplier who prepared the content using the shopping services provided by the Executor, and if any such content infringes upon copyright of any other person, the Supplier shall be liable therefor.

    3. The Executor may remove any content posted the Supplier on KoreanAce Shop or take an action, such as placing restrictions on the use of certain Services or terminating the cooperation. In such a case, the Executor shall make a prior notice to the Supplier by means of phone or e-mail, etc.; provided that the Company may not send such prior notice if it is separately specified by applicable laws or if it is urgently necessary to restrict the use of such services:

      1. if the laws and regulations of the United Arab Emirates are violated;

      2. if an illegal product, or obscene content, of which sales are prohibited under applicable laws and regulations, is posted or advertised;

      3. if it includes any untrue or exaggerated statements for advertisement;

      4. if it infringes on other’s rights, reputation, credit or other lawful interests;

      5. if a link inducing to a direct dealing (i.e., deviating KoreanAce Shop) or to another website is posted;

      6. if it contains any malignant code or data that may cause a malfunction of IT equipment;

      7. if it is against the social or public order in the society or against good morals and traditional customs;

      8. if it is found impeding smooth operation of Website services provided by the Executor;

      9. if it contains content related to criminal acts; or

      10. if it contains content that instigates political or economic disputes.


    1. The Consumers are granted a limited, non-exclusive right to create a hypertext link to the home page only of this Website, provided such link does not portray the Executor and the Supplier or any of Goods and/or Services in a false, misleading, derogatory, or otherwise defamatory manner. This limited right may be revoked at any time.

    2. The Executor may provide links and access to third party content and websites. The Executor will endeavor to make it clear when Consumers are leaving the Website to view such third party information, but it does not monitor or assume responsibility for the content of third parties' statements or websites or their privacy policies. Accordingly, the Executor does not endorse or adopt these websites or any information they contain. The Executor makes no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding such third party websites and accepts no responsibility for the quality, content, nature, accuracy or reliability of websites accessible by hyperlink from this Website or otherwise linked to this Website.


    1. The Executor will operate the Customer Center for addressing the Consumer's concerns and resolution by mediation of a dispute between the Consumer and the Supplier.

    2. If the Executor determines that the complaints and comments submitted by the Consumer or the Supplier are reasonable, then the Executor shall address these concerns as soon as possible, by notifying the related party of the case progress within 3 (Three) business days, and the results of its investigation and remedies within 10 (Ten) business days.

    3. The Consumers and the Supplier shall, with sincerity, provide responses to the questions of the Customer Center.


    1. Direct dealing

      1. For the safety of transactions, neither a Supplier nor a Customer may enter into any direct dealing or may avoid using the Website Services provided by the Executor. Any party to a direct dealing shall enter into such direct dealing at its own responsibility for any and all issues and problems arising out of the direct dealing. The Executor shall in no way be responsible for any such issue or problem.

      2. If the Supplier is found to have entered into or to have induced to enter into a direct dealing, a sales service user contract with the Supplier may be terminated. The Customer may report to the Customer Center operated by the Executor, the Supplier that has entered into or induced to enter into a direct dealing.

    2. System-related misbehavior

      1. No one may use the Website or access to the system in an unusual manner without utilizing the process and method provided by the Executor for the use of Website.

      2. If any system-related misbehavior is found by the Executor, the Executor may cancel benefits (whether in part or in whole) additionally provided by the Executor, place restrictions on the offender’s use of certain services, terminate the User Agreement and take any other actions. If any damages arise out of the misbehavior, the Executor may demand the offender to compensate for all such damages.

    3. Settlement-related misbehavior

      1. No one may use the Website services provided by the Executor in another's name or with the information on another's credit card and the like.

      2. No one may conduct unusual settlement in a manner prohibited by applicable laws (e.g., lending or borrowing funds to or from another in the disguise of sales of Goods or provision of Services). If any such misbehavior is found by the Executor, the Executor may terminate the User Agreement or suspend the transaction concerned and report it to the competent authority.

      3. No one may conduct a purchase without any intent to actually make a purchase (e.g., where no Delivery follows the purchase). If any such misbehavior is found by the Executor, the Executor may cancel the transactions concerned and impose sanctions as the case may be.

    4. Re-selling

      1. No one may purchase the Goods by temporarily listing the Goods at the lowest price on another open market or internet shopping mall for the purposes of forcing the KoreanAce Shop to issue discount coupons, and then re-sell the Goods to a third-party buyer after the third-party buyer purchases the Goods with the discount applied.

      2. The Executor may place restrictions on the offender who are confirmed to have violated the prohibition on re-selling and the Executor may request compensation if the offender's actions result in damages.

    5. Other prohibited activities

      1. No one may conduct any activity that causes damages or losses to the Executor and interferes with fostering of fair market environment, by entering into unusual multiple transactions by utilization of discount rates, etc., provided by the Executor. If any such misbehavior is found by the Executor, the Executor may cancel the transactions concerned and impose sanctions (including suspension of entering into any transaction) as the case may be.


    1. Any matters not provided in the Offer shall be governed by the Electronic Commerce and Transactions Act, any other applicable laws and regulations, and general commercial practices.

    2. For transactions executed through the Website provided by the Executor, the Electronic Commerce and Transactions Act and other applicable laws and regulations shall primarily apply to the parties to the transactions, and neither party may not claim release of its liabilities in reliance with the Offer.

    3. If necessary, the Executor may set out separate terms that apply to specific services ("Individual Terms") and post the Individual Terms on the Website homepage or otherwise for advance notification.

    4. Amendment of the Individual Terms will be posted for a 14 (Fourteen)-day period until the date immediately preceding the effective date.

    5. The Supplier and the Consumer shall pay attention to any changes to the Offer and the Individual Terms, and when any amendment thereto is posted, the Supplier and the Consumers shall review and check them.


    1. As a mail-order intermediary, the Executor only provides a transaction system that is based on the KoreanAce Shop platform. Parties to a transaction shall be responsible in the event of any disputes arising in connection with any transaction using the KoreanAce Shop transaction system.

    2. Absent willful misconduct or gross negligence of the Executor, the Executor shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the Supplier or the Consumer or a third party due to temporary suspension of the Website Services pursuant to the paragraph 10.2. of the present Offer.

    3. If the Executor restricts or suspends the Website Services pursuant to the paragraph 10.3. of the present Offer, the Executor shall on grounds of a force majeure event be released from any liability for damages.

    4. The Executor shall not be liable for any disruption or other interruption in the use of the Website Services that has arisen for a reason attributable to the Supplier or the Consumer.

    5. The Executor shall in no event be liable for any damages whatsoever, arising from a Consumer’s disclosure or provision of the Supplier’s and the Consumer’s personal information to another.


    1. With regard to any litigation to which the Executor is a Party arising out of any disputes related to the Offer or the User Agreement, or any disputes between the Supplier and the Consumer, the jurisdiction thereof shall be prescribed through mutual consultation between the parties thereto, and if there is no prior agreement, the competent court having jurisdiction over such litigation shall be decided in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

  29. OTHERS

    1. The Executor may, if necessary, change or suspend certain Website Services (or part thereof) temporarily or permanently by providing advance notice on the homepage of the Website.

    2. Neither the Executor nor the Supplier and the Customer shall transfer any rights and obligations under the Offer to a third party without the express consent of the other party.

    3. All agreements, memoranda of understanding, notices and other instruments additionally executed between the parties and any and all notices to the Supplier and the Consumer by the Executor by posting on the Website pursuant to changes in the Executor's policies, enactment and amendment of laws and regulations, public announcements and guidelines of the authorities, and the like, shall constitute part of the Offer.


Expert Solutions Limited

FD - Ground Floor, Incubator Building, Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates


BNC Global Co., Ltd.

2804, M, 32, Songdogwahak-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 21984, Republic of Korea

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